Friday, July 29, 2011

Lizard Head Pass, Alta Lakes and Telluride

After Ophir Pass, we headed up Lizard Head Pass on the Highway to see the rock known by that name.

 This is the rock at the top of Lizard Head Pass.  I don't see the lizard head.
It looks like a dolphin's head to me.

Then we drove up the four-wheel drive trail to Alta Lakes.
 It had begun to rain, which made for a great photo shoot.

Then we headed to Telluride where we could see this large herd of Elk from the highway.

Main Street of Telluride.

View of Ingram & Bridal Veil Falls.

Closer view of Ingram & Bridal Veil Falls.

Close up of Bridal Veil Falls and Power Plant.

to be continued...

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