Monday, July 25, 2011

Corkscrew Gulch & Animas Forks

After stopping along the trail for a delicious peanut buter & jelly sandwich (I'm not being sarcastic - why do things always taste better outside?), we headed up Corkscrew Gulch.  My husband said there was an old railroad turntable along the trail, but we couldn't find it.  (Unfortunately, we didn't have internet access at our hotel the night before we went & we hadn't thought to look for directions to it before we left home).  Actually, seeing pictures of the old turntable is disappointing.  So many people tend to vandalize these old historic sites - it's really heartbreaking.

Here are some pictures of Corkscrew Gulch...

and here are pictures of the ghost town Animas Forks...

to be continued...

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