Sunday, July 17, 2011

Decisions, Decisions...

Last weekend we went to an RV sale.  Unfortunately, the "sale" prices weren't quite sale enough for us.  When our children were younger we had an 18' self-contained trailer which we used for 20 years.  It was getting old and we sold it a few years ago.  We are thinking of getting another one since we have a daughter in Kentucky and another daughter in North Carolina.

Here is the floor plan we want (my camera was on the wrong setting, so most of my pictures are blurry).

So things are never as simply as they seem.  It isn't as simple as going out and finding a good deal on a trailer. The SUV we have now is small, so the trailer we pull with it is limited, besides, we just don't want a huge trailer.  The above trailer would suit all our needs even if we were on an extended vacation.  But, although we have room at our house to store an RV, we already have a 16' cargo trailer where we store out 1961 Metropolitan convertible.  If we sell the trailer & the car we would have the cash to pay for the trailer.  Then the dilema I really want to sell my little Metropolitan?  It's the car that I got for my 40th birthday.  It's the car I've wanted since I first saw one when I about 10 years old...ugh!!!  Decisions, decisions...

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