Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dinner in Silverton

We decided to eat dinner in Silverton before we headed back to Ouray.   We stopped at a quaint BBQ place called Thee Pits Again.  I'm a little confused.  The place we ate at only said BBQ on the building...

But the van said Thee Pits Again and had Guy Fieri's autograph on it and
they were also playing a continuous live feed video of Guy Fieri's cooking show.

I had a BBQ brisket sandwich with baked beans & potato salad.  The brisket was great!!

And my husband had the pulled chicken sandwich with coleslaw.  (We like to try several sides - the potato salad was very good, but rather peppery; the baked beans were flavored mainly with green pepper - so they weren't my favorite; and I thought the coleslaw was a little bland).

My husband didn't like the pulled chicken very much.

to be continued...

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