Friday, June 17, 2011

Random Thoughts

1. For some unknown reason, I went to Best Buy today to look at computers.  A sales girl came up to me and asked me if I needed help.  I told her I was just looking. She replied, "Well, we have experts here..."  Apparently, I look like a little old lady who has never been around a computer!!

2. A few years ago there was a house in my town that had a fake tombstone in their front yard and on it was the following inscription, "Here lies the last dog that pooped in our yard".  I want a one for my yard.  ;)

3  Copied from a friend's Facebook post yesterday, "SO throughout my life I have hated the word "wiener" , because of it's related connotation, I have reached my limit, my ears cannot take any more....!!!!   sigh.

Have a great weekend!!

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