Saturday, April 2, 2011

Trip to Boulder and Beyond - Part 1

Here are the mountains as we were leaving town.  Can you believe the fresh snow in the mountains?  Colorado has had so much snow in the mountains this year that the ski areas are staying open until the first of June.  We have hardly had any snow on the front range this winter or spring.

Yesterday was my husband's birthday and he wanted to eat at Five Guys and go to the Shelby museum in Boulder. So, we ate at the Five Guys in Longmont on the way there.

Here is the museum.  It doesn't look like much on the outside...

but it was quite impressive inside.  Quite an amazing collection.  It had me drooling for sheet metal and rubber...

Then we drove on into Boulder...just love them flat irons...

 we drove partway up Flagstaff Mountain...

then we drove to up to Boulder Falls.  Here I am taking a picture of a rock with a hole in it that has been there since I was a little kid.  We used to climb through the hole.  It is still a great place for a photo op.  We almost got trampled by kids running toward it.

We were going to hike down to the falls, but it was closed.  We didn't realize it doesn't open until May first.  Apparently, most years there is still snow on the little steps down to the falls this time of year.  BUMMER!!!

to be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Great pics!! Looks like you two had a lot of fun!!! Cute hair too!! :)
