Saturday, April 23, 2011

Things I'm Learning from my Grandchildren...

I recently visited my daughter in Kentucky.  We went to one of our favorite stores and as she was checking out, I was waiting near the front door with her 4 year-old daughter.  All of a sudden "L" blurted out quite loudly, "Grandma, you're old".  I proceeded to ignore her since I was really embarrassed.  Then she said, "Grandma, you look old."  I was horrified!  Then again, "Grandma, you're old".  I was shocked into silence.  My mouth was frozen shut.  I wanted to run somewhere and hide. 

In retrospect, I realize I should have immediately said something clever like, "Of course I'm old, I'm a grandma" or "Yes, I'm old and you're young".  But one thing I've learned is NEVER ignore your Grandchildren...

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