Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Trip to Casa Bonita

The past two weeks have been wonderful!!  My 2 out-of-state daughters and their families have been visiting (well, the husbands had to go back home on the 29th to return to work, but the girls and kiddos stayed until yesterday).  Unfortunately, almost all of us had the stomach flu during those two weeks, but most of the time we had a marvelous time enjoying each other's company.

Whenever my husband and I travel, we make sure we eat at restaurants that we don't have in Colorado.  For instance, when we visit Kentucky, we always visit White Castle, so my daughter who lives in Kentucky made sure she ate at Chipotle and Panda Express while she was here.  We also spent a day in the Denver area on January 1, and ate at the infamous Casa Bonita.  My oldest grand-daughter will be 10 in March, and she never had been there, so I guess it's been a while since we've visited.  The food isn't anything to write home about, but the atmosphere is fantastic!!!

 Casa Bonita

My daughters, grandchildren and one son-in-law... 

View from behind the waterfall... 

View from the wishing well... 

 Entrance to Black Bart's Hide-Out...

The cave... 


So pretty with all the Christmas lights!!!

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