Saturday, January 8, 2011

Eagles Game

My husband and I don't go out much, so it was a nice surprise when my oldest daughter and her husband gave us a "date night" for Christmas.  The date package consisted of a Gift Card for a great BBQ
restaurant near us called Nordy's, $5 cash for parking, and tickets to a Colorado Eagles hockey game!!  What a thoughtful gift!!

Here are some pictures...

 the Eagles "Fanboni"

Eagle Mascot - "Whose House?" 

"Our House" 


National Anthem... 

the game... 

 the cheerleaders...

It was very interesting to watch a hockey game in person, although I was a little freaked out by all the fighting!
Unfortunately, the Eagles lost 3-6.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! And I know what you mean about the violence. Glad you had fun though!
