Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Day in the Life...

  • I had to get out yesterday eventhough it was only -11 degrees when I woke up.  We had a couple of inches of snow over the weekend and it isn't melting because it is sooo cold!  I needed some needles for my sewing machine.  Our town of 100,000, only has one fabric store and it is located near the university.  Of course, I forgot to wear my boots, so after I bought my needles, I was carefully walking back to my car, trying to avoid the icy spots. Suddenly, a red card "spun out" all too close to me.  Instead of taking his foot off the accelerator, the idiot  college student began spinning "donuts".  Funny, huh?  Well, not so funny when it happens 30 feet away from you!  All I could imagine was how painful it would be to be hit by a car and/or be pinned between this out-of-control car and my cute little Honda.  And it's way to cold for pain!  So, chicken that I am, I carefully side-stepped the ice and went back into the store.
  • Then, in the afternoon, I had a phone call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft.  A voice with a foreign accent stated that my computer was downloading viruses from the internet.  "Were you aware of that?" the voice asked.  I said I was not.  "Oh, my goodness!," said the voice from the phone.  I said, "I'm sorry," and hung up.  Really! Would someone really call me from Microsoft if my computer really was downloading viruses?  I can't even talk to a real person when I do call Microsoft.  And what about the Microsoft Security Essentials virus protection I have on my compute.  Really! Would anyone be a sucker for a phone call like that?


  1. Wow. I can't believe how crazy people are. I'm glad you were safe from donut boy.

    And Sadly I bet a lot of people call for that phone call. Glad you didn't!

    I would have walked back in the store too, btw. :)

  2. How scary! Glad you are ok!!
    Have you gotten more snow since last week?

  3. Diana, yes, it was scary!! We didn't get much snow - just a few inches, but it is so cold that it hasn't melted much. The main roads are fine, but there is snow pack on the side streets and it is really icy...they need to do some sanding...

    Are you having ice storms there?
