Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Birthday...

This past Friday was my Birthday.  Since 2 of my daughters live thousands of miles away I decided to spend the day with the woman who birthed me (and raised me).  I have one daughter who lives about 5 minutes away and we spent some time together on Wednesday along with her 5 (soon to be 6) kiddos.  They treated me to lunch from Chipotle (one of my faves) and the kiddos sang a memorable rendition of the Happy Birthday song which I captured on video (along with the 2 oldest slugging each other...).

My husband and I drove to my Mother's house (about 35 miles away) and picked her up and headed to a suburb of Denver where there is a Krispy Kreme doughnut place.  Since it was my birthday I wanted a raspberry filled doughnut.  We insisted that my Mother go in with us to witness the making of doughnuts.  Fortunately, they were making some of the filled-type doughnuts (sans holes).  My Mother was fascinated!!  We bought 6 doughnuts and since she was with us we got the senior discount (I'm sure we would have qualified w/o her, since my husband is 60) - should have gotten a dozen.

We ate lunch at chili's and then went to a nearby World Market.  I love those stores!!!  I found the cutest little hand-painted jewelry/trinket box made in India.  My mother bought it for me for Christmas (since she had given me a check for my Birthday and she never knows what to get me).  Here is a picture...

We also went to a few other stores like Target, Michael's and I bought some different kinds of coffee to try from Sunflower Market.  I'm especially excited to try the White Chocolate/Peppermint - just in time for Christmas!!  All-in-all it was a good day and I got tuckered out as well as my little 86-year-old Mother.

1 comment:

  1. I love that jewelry box! It's SO pretty! :) So glad you had a great Birthday!
