Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Concert & Some Trivia

Yesterday I went to the Holly & Ivy 2010 Concert presented by the United States Air Force Academy Band.  Apparently, (but unbeknownst to me) this band performs every December in our hometown.  Furthermore, it is a free concert!  There is a matinee and evening performance.  They performed about a dozen Christmas songs in just about every genre of music (complete with vocalists and an Irish dancer) and closed with a brief sing-along!!  The Air Force Academy Band is one of 12 Air Force bands that maintain a rigorous schedule performing all over the world for troops as well as the public.

Now, for the trivia...did you know that in 1955, there was a typo in a newspaper ad that invited children to phone Santa.  The phone calls ended up going to the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) operations floor.  In the spirit of the season, the CONAD staff answered children's queries about when Santa would arrive.  Thus began an annual tradition.  These days, NORAD carries on the custom using four high-tech systems to track Santa on his yearly journey: radar, satellites, jet fighter aircraft, and Santa-cams.  Now millions of children each year join NORAD as they track Santa - and you can too!   

Thanks B for inviting me to the concert!!

1 comment:

  1. How cool! Sounds like fun! And I didn't know that about CONAD, but I was aware of NORAD tracking Santa...I used to track him when I was in Jr. High...don't really know why...but I thought it was still fun! :)
