Monday, April 29, 2013

The End of the Microwave

Since I had cancer I am making some dietary changes in the hope that the cancer does not recur. Some of the changes are limiting white sugar, eating whole grains, avoiding processed foods and eating lots of fruits and vegetables.

On Friday, I gave up my microwave.  Instead of giving you a bunch of links to reasons for not using a microwave, I will let you do your own research and make your own decision.  I don't really use the microwave for cooking, I just use it every morning to heat up my milk for my coffee and during the day I use it to heat water for my green tea (which I drink at least 3 times a day).

Well, I found out that I actually use the microwave more than I thought.  On Saturday evening we were going to have nachos (you know the kind when you sprinkle cheese over tortillas chips & microwave them until the cheese melts) and I had to use the broiler.  On Sunday night we had leftover pizza - we found out that the pizza actually tastes better reheated in the oven instead of the microwave.  And I love the sound of the tea kettle whistling to let me know my water for tea is ready!!

1 comment:

  1. Wish there was a "like" button for blog posts! :)
