Sunday, October 9, 2011

Where We Always Eat in Topeka, KS

Whenever we drive to visit my daughter in Kentucky, (something we now have done at least once a year since she moved there in 2005) we always stop at Spangles.  

It is basically a hamburger joint, but the decor is reallly cute.

Right now they have a special "3 for $3" deal.  You can get a burger, side & drink for $3...

AND they have the most wonderful ice cream dessert called a mudslide.  I always order the Cherry Mudslide which is a marvelous mixture of cherry topping and chocolate hard shell topping...

We stayed all night at a Days Inn (note to self - don't stay in a Days Inn again) and the next morning we stopped at Hardee's and got cinnamon raisin biscuits for breakfast.  Colorado doesn't have Hardee's anymore and we miss these little breakfast treats...

Cinnamon Raisin Biscuits
(excuse the picture, it was about 6:15 am and still dark & we went through the Hardee's drive through...)

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