Monday, May 2, 2011

Just for Today...(actually forever, but I'll take it one day at a time)

  • I'm embracing my curly hair.  I've straightened my hair nearly every day for 40+ years and I'm soooo tired of it, so I'm going to go "au naturale". Please don't ask me if I got a perm - perms look good and the curls are symmetrical - mine are not.  And I know my hair isn't really curly anymore - after straightening it all those years and having 50% gray hair it's not all that curly...and please don't tell me I'm so lucky to have curly hair!
  • I'm going to stop wasting time playing games of Facebook. At least most of the time.  :)
  • I'm going to only wear my Cold Water Creek jeans out in public.  They fit well and I feel better in them because I don't have a "muffin-top" when I wear them and I bought 4 of the 6 pair of Cold Water Creek jeans I own at half price!!

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