Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

I have eight grandchildren ranging in age from 1 month to 10 years and I love each one of them dearly.  They all brighten my life.  Here are a few cute things they have said recently...

  • I recently was babysitting my 2 grandchildren in Kentucky.  My 3-1/2 year-old grand-daughter was frustrated with her 18-month-old little brother and called him "stupid".  I was quite shocked that this sweet little girl would say such a thing.  Then she suddenly started repeating, "stupid", "dang it", "shut-up".  I realized she was "showing off" in front of me by saying all the bad words she knew. So I went into the kitchen to hide my stifled laughter... (ah, to be that innocent)
  • About a year ago my grand-daughter was in the car with her mother. She asked why the new MacDonald's doesn't have a farm like the Old MacDonald's.... (you know the song...Old MacDonald had a farm...E-I-E-I-O...
  • My 5-year-old grand-daughter recently rebuked her mother by saying, "Mommy, you just called Grandma "Mom".  (OK, who does she think I am, some little old lady off the street who just comes to visit them each week?)  Love it!!!
  • I recently went to the Grand Opening of the new grocery store in our town with my daughter and her 6 children.  I was commenting to my 10-year-old grand-daughter that I thought there were really a lot of old people there.  She turned and looked at me and said, "Grandma, you're old!" (Oops!)


  1. What? I can't believe Kaylee said that, you aren't THAT old :) I won't even go to Kroger on wednesdays because it is senior discount day and all the customers are 70+

  2. By the way, we are getting a Kroger Market Place, I heard it is supposed to have Clothing and Jewely, I wonder if it will lke your new kings soopers?

  3. Oh yeah, ours is actually called King Soopers Market Place. It is really quite amazing...our just has children's clothing - along with the furniture, lamps, rugs, accesories, kitchen stuff and a jewlery store. :)

  4. Oh, and I told Kaylee, "I might be old, but I'm not elderly..." :)
