Monday, November 29, 2010

The Perfect Combination...

A few years ago (okay, a decade or more - time flies when you get older...) Anheuser Busch built a brewery in a nearby town.  We heard that the tours were interesting, so one day we stopped in for a tour.  They weren't giving tours this particular day or maybe the tours for the day were over, but we could look at the Clydesdale horses in their Hamlet and we could visit the Gift Shop and stop in the Hospitality Room for free beer and/or soft drinks.  We are not beer connoisseurs, so we had soft drinks and snack mix. 

The whole reason for this post is that Anheuser Busch used to make their own snack mix and it was delicious!!!!  We bought some to take home and were delighted when we found that we could also buy a huge tin of it at Sam's Warehouse.  Unfortunately, it is no longer available.

Last week I was organizing the basement and I found one of the tins that had held Anheuser Busch Eagle Snack Mix. Cheddar-Bacon Crackers and Pretzels in the shape of their "A" logo and Honey Roasted Peanuts.  Why had I never thought of making my own? 

I went to Wal Mart today and bought honey-roasted peanuts, pretzels, Cheez-its (I couldn't find any cheddar-bacon crackers), but this works for me...the perfect combination of sweet, salty and savory...YUM-O!!!!!


  1. Mmmm! Sounds good, I did love that snack mix, too bad they stopped making it!

  2. Great idea!! I will have to try making some too! I loved that stuff!

  3. You can try when you are here for Christmas...I need to try to find some Cheddar Bacon cracker...

  4. Gosh, I remember that snack mix! Why oh why did the stop???

  5. Cheez-it now makes a smoked cheddar that tastes almost like eagle brand cheddar bacon crackers... I miss that snack mix... I used to eat it all the time as a kid!
