Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pet Peeves...November 2010

 I've decided that periodically I will vent some of my "pet peeves".

1.  I did not vote for him, but he IS our President, so let's respect him and his office and don't criticize and
     please call him President Obama, not Obama...  This esepcially goes for the News Media...

2.  Please, when you are driving, use your turn signals.  It is not "cool" to not use them.  They have a purpose
     and it doesn't really take that much effort, so use them!!!

3.  When you are sitting in church, please refrain from massaging your significant other's back.  This goes for
     married people as well as unmarried couples.  First of all, it is very distracting to see an arm
     carressing your beloved's back...Secondly, it makes my mind wander and then I start wondering
     if one or other of the two are getting aroused - ANYWAY - not appropriate in church!!!!!! OK.

4.  A friend of mine posted a video on Facebook of his grand daughter in a cheerleader competition.  That's  
     great!!!  At the beginning of their routine, all the girls turned their backs to the audience and "shook their
     booty".  Is this really appropriate behavior for 8 and 9-year-old girls?  Actually, is this appropriate
     behavior for girls (women) of any age?

5.  And last, but not least, it drives me CRAZY when people use "that" instead of "who" when referring to a
     person.  For example, John Doe was a man who loved to ski - not - John Doe was a man that loved to
     ski.  "Who" is for people and "that" is for things.  Thank you!

I apologize for the margins.  It looked fine as a draft, but when I published this post it went haywire!

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