Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A horse is a horse, of course...

My middle daughter lives in Kentucky with her husband and 2 children.  Kentucky is 1200 miles away from where I live.  She and her husband moved there five years ago, shortly after they were married, so he could attend seminary there.  He graduated in May and last month they bought a house.  I am extremely happy for them.  I am not so happy for me.  We do get to visit them a couple times a year and they come back home for Christmas.  They are very blessed to have a wonderful church home and lots of friends in Kentucky.  Yesterday the kiddos had a chance to ride a horse which belongs to some of their friends...I am soooo jealous (because I have always wanted a horse)...

Even mom had a chance to ride (picture taken by a 3-year-old)

Soooo cute!!!!

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