Saturday, September 14, 2013

2013 Ouray Trip - Part VI - Owl Creek Pass

On Friday, we decided to take it easy a little bit.  We had been getting up quite early every morning so that we were on the road by 8:00 a.m. most mornings, so we needed a little respite.  So, we didn't get up quite as early and just went up Owl Creek Pass near Ridgeway which wasn't really a jeep trail, but just a nice leisurely drive.  We stopped here in the lovely meadow which my husband is convinced is the place they filmed part of the 1969 John Wayne movie called "True Grit".  I know they did film some of the movie in this area, but I don't know if this was the place.

 Hot Air Balloon on the way to Owl Creek Pass

 Chimney Rock on Owl Creek Pass

Meadow where scene from True Grit may have been filmed

Then we went back to Ouray to have lunch at the Beaumont Grill at the Beaumont Hotel.  My husband's mother offered to pay for the lunch because she thought I would enjoy it.  What I really enjoyed was the tour of the Beaumont Hotel that we took at 2 p.m.  The hotel had been abandoned from 1967 until 1998 & then was purchased and renovated to it's original splendor.

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