Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wakefield-Scearce Galleries

On a recent visit to Kentucky to see my daughter and her family, my son-in-law took us to the most amazing place.  I should have started this post by mentioning that Kentucky (as well as all the other Eastern states) are really amazing to Coloradans like me.  Here in the west there are few buildings more than 100 years old, and antiques older than 100 years are few and far between, so when visiting Eastern cities the old buildings and their furnishing are amazing to see.   

Getting back to the point, my son-in-law took us to the Wakefield-Scearce Galleries which specializes in fine English antiques.  A visit to the place would be amazing any time of year, but beginning in November, they decorate the whole place "to the nines" for Christmas.  Fortunately, I was totally captivated by the Christmas decorations (not to mention that I was keeping up with a certain little someone who was leading me through the maze of rooms) and wasn't tempted to buy any of the gorgeous antiques!

I didn't get a very good picture of the building, because it was so huge and I couldn't get far enough away...

Here is a view from the second floor... 

Beautiful, huge Christmas tree...

Every mantel was beautifully decorated...

and almost every room had a beautiful Christmas tree...

and of course, delightful things for children to see...