Friday, November 2, 2012

Costello Street Coffee House

Last summer, my husband and I stopped at the cutest, most quaint coffee house I've ever visited.  It is located in the small mountain town of Florrisant, Colorado.  Besides coffee and a variety of baked goods and breakfast items, it also serves a brunch (at least on Sunday) and several interesting sandwich concoctions.  We arrived there at lunchtime, so we each ordered 1/2 a sandwich (since they were rather large).  My husband ordered a BLT and I ordered a grilled vegetable and cheese sandwich.  Unfortunately, since I was soaking in the ambiance of the place and we were fortunate enough to have a dining room to ourselves, I forgot to take pictures of the food, however; here are pictures of  Costello Street Coffee House (I didn't know they had a website)...


  1. How cute! We'll have to go there (with you) the next time we are in the area! I love the building and decor!

  2. I wish I had known about it when you were here last summer!! We'll have to go. I did notice a "For Sale" sign. I hope if it sells it doesn't change anything...
