Wednesday, May 9, 2012

More About My Lilies

Last summer, my red lily was blooming beautifully, when all of a sudden I noticed there was hardly anything left to it.  It had been in my front yard, so I moved it to the back yard since I thought my husband had run over it with the lawn mower.  Fortunately, it is coming up this year and so far looks great.  However, the pretty pink lily that I planted last year started coming up for the first time and I was very happy until I noticed that two of the 3 tops were missing.  It isn't near the lawn, so I know my husband didn't run over it with the lawn mower, so I've deduced that the little wild bunnies that I see in my yard sometimes, must really like lilies.  I put a little plastic fence around it, so hopefully that will keep hungry bunnies away.

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