Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Blessing Bags

For years I've wondered what I could hand out to those homeless people who seem to always be "hanging out" around our local Wal Mart.  I have given a few dollars & made them promise not to use it on drugs & alcohol (which they ardently do promise).  I've thought of carrying around Wal Mart gift cards, but they would be able to buy cigarettes or beer.  But, the other day I was browsing on Pinterest and found this terrific idea!!!

Blessing Bag

  Blessing Bags, filled with items such as applesauce, granola bars, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, bandages.  What a fantastic idea!!!  I can't wait to make up some to start carrying in my car to hand out.  What a blessing it will be!!!!

Read more about it here.

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