Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Blessing Bags

For years I've wondered what I could hand out to those homeless people who seem to always be "hanging out" around our local Wal Mart.  I have given a few dollars & made them promise not to use it on drugs & alcohol (which they ardently do promise).  I've thought of carrying around Wal Mart gift cards, but they would be able to buy cigarettes or beer.  But, the other day I was browsing on Pinterest and found this terrific idea!!!

Blessing Bag

  Blessing Bags, filled with items such as applesauce, granola bars, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, bandages.  What a fantastic idea!!!  I can't wait to make up some to start carrying in my car to hand out.  What a blessing it will be!!!!

Read more about it here.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

DIY Organizing Ideas

Just had to share this great collection of organizing ideas from the Tatertots & Jello blog.  Click here.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Colorado Sunset

It has been unseasonably warm here in Colorado which makes for some beautiful sunsets...  This is the view from McDonald's where my husband & I took part in today's special deal - buy one Big Mac & get the second for 1 cent.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Cowboy Boots - Check

Today I bought a pair of cowboy boots and checked off the first item on my yet to be written "60 after 60" list (an early start, because I still have 11 months until the big 6-0).  Kind of a splurge for a city girl, but I've always been a country girl at heart and always have longed to live in the country and have a horse of my own...  

Now I need to wear them...and when I remember the price tag, I'm sure I will...