Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy New Year

I will begin this post by noting the fact that I am totally in denial about my next birthday -ugh!!!  BUT, life goes on (unless of course, it doesn't) so I will try to make the most of it.  

Recently my youngest daughter posted on her blog a list of things she wants to do before age 30.  Unfortunately, she could only think of 15 things (and she has over 2 years left).  

Then I read a blog post 40 by 40 - very impressive.  She even has the list categorized.  

So, at the beginning of 2012, I will have 11 months to do 60 things...before I am 60...and hopefully on January 1, 2012 (or shortly thereafter), I will post my 60 by 60 list.  

Happy New Year!!

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