Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Grand Lake

This past saturday, September 11, we took a drive through Rocky Mountain National Park.  We drove from our home to Estes Park which is a 50-mile drive and didn't even stop to shop at all the unique souvenir/frou-frou shops.  We entered Rocky Mountain National Park and soon saw some elk...

We decided to take the Old Fall River Road to the top of Trail Ridge.  Apparently, since it was such a beautiful fall day, everyone else had the same idea.  We've never seen it so crowded.

As you can see a few aspens were already turning...

We continued driving until we reached the quaint little town of Grand Lake.  One thing I love about Grand Lake is that the downtown area and lake area haven't changed much since I was a kid.  We even had an ice cream cone from the local Dairy King which has been there since 1953.

We drove up the hill above the town and went to the Grand Lake Lodge  . Neither of us had ever been up there before eventhough the lodge has been there since the 1920's.  It has a lovely view of the lake and even has an outdoor area for weddings.  It currently is for sale for a mere $6,990 million.  If you are interested, here is the listing.  There is a main lodge, cabins and other rooms.

View of Grand Lake from the lodge.

Then we drove home over the infamous Trail Ridge Road!

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