Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lilacs & Butterflies...

I looked out my kitchen window at about 5:00 pm today and counted 10-20 butterflies swarming around my 2 lilac bushes.  I rushed out and took some pictures.  This is my favorite.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Annual Photo Shoot at the Park

Today, my oldest daughter and I went to our favorite park for our annual photo shoot.  It was kind of sad, because last year we were there with my middle daughter and her kiddos (she lives out-of-state) and the year before, we were there with my youngest daughter (who also lives out-of-state).

It was rather cloudy when we got there which was ideal for photos, and then the sun came out & we had a nice picnic lunch and the kiddos had time to play at the playground.

Close up - crane or heron?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pinterest & Genealogy

If anyone has noticed, there has been a slight gap in my blogging.  My husband and I have just finished taking a class in genealogy and a class  learning the software.  If anyone is interested, Legacy Family Tree software has a basic version that is free and it is amazing.  And for just $30, you can upgrade to the deluxe version.  The software produces beautiful pedigree charts and lots more!!

My other interest of late is the crazy website called Pinterest.  If you have not visited this site, you  probably are being a productive individual, because Pinterest is very addictive and once you start looking, it is very hard to stop.  But it is a great resource for recipes, homeschooling ideas, decorating inspiration, and much more.